1 min read

Gaming for Professional Skills

Is GAMING really only a waste of time? Have you also heard this statement over and over again from other people, in society or from parents and family, when you were younger?
Gaming for Professional Skills

Is GAMING really only a waste of time? Have you also heard this statement over and over again from other people, in society or from parents and family, when you were younger?

Indeed, in more traditional settings, gaming is still imagined to be the pursuit of teenage boys - and a waste of time. But there are some links to skills like decision-making, the ability to anticipate and scenario planning. It can also help with meta-skills such as learning how to learn, experimentation, and creative thinking.

In this podcast episode I am talking about how gaming skills like: communication, team building, project management and problem solving are transferable and can be utilized in a professional setting – whether it’s in a workspace setting or sports, or anywhere else. I am using my own example from school to working at a gas station as a normal employee up to managing the gas station, to later becoming a software developer and engineering manager without any university education. I am hoping to inspire people to find the motivation, confidence and success in trying unconventional ways and paths in life. Always remember: there are many roads that can be travelled...

Also available on: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and many more!

Thanks for listening—and I am super curious about your comments and feedback on this topic! What’s been your experience?
artwork by @sofeisty and @emrecaydogan

Artwork by Emre Aydogan & Laura Diezler — ©️2021 Zeke Arany-Lucas

Zeke Arany-Lucas is a senior principal engineer from Seattle, living and working in Berlin since 2014. He has been in tech industry for more than 25 years, starting with web browser development in the 90s, including long stints at both Microsoft and Amazon in multiple leadership roles. You can also follow him on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and his Personal Website.